Dr. Tapish Sahu is Gangrene Specialist Doctor in Delhi, Gangrene is a serious condition in which a part of the body begins to decay. This process is frequently described as tissue death or necrosis. Gangrene can occur in arm and legs with fingers and toes or some other organs of body like gallbladder — because of lack of blood flow or severe bacterial infection
Gangrene can develop when the supply of blood to an area of your body is interrupted.This can occur as the result of an injury, an infection, or an underlying condition that affects your circulation.
Dry gangrene In This the skin becomes dry and dark in color ranging from brown to purplish blue and feels cold to touch. It's very common among diabetics and cases with blood vessel conditions like arteriosclerosis
Any condition which causes interruption of blood supply to the tissue can cause gangrene.. Some condition increase the risk of Gangrene are :
By Antibiotics, can be given as tablets or injection.
Tissue Debridement
In serious gangrene cases, removal of dead tissues or body part is needed. This process is called debridement. In this doctors use surgical tools or with chemicals. This will prevent the affected area to prevent the spread of infection.
Vascular Surgery
In this doctor’s use following procedures to restore the flow of blood from the veins to body tissues
A – Bypass Surgery
In this surgeon redirects the flow of blood and bypass the blocked vein to the healhy artery
In this the surgeon uses the bloon attached with inflator and passs it through the blocked artey and inflated inside to open up the vessel, sometimes a small metal piece STENT is palced to keep the vessel open
This is the last option when the whole limb is severely damaged that it become the danger to other parts of Body. In this the whole limb is removed from body and an artificial limb is placed.