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AV fistula Specialist doctor in Delhi, India

av fistula treatment doctor

kidney Failure & Management Doctor in Delhi Manipal Hospital Dwarka

When your kidneys lose the ability to filter and clean the blood,the fluid and waste can build up and poisan the body. This is Called Kidney(renal) Failure.

When This Happen dialysis may be needed The Most Common form of dialysis is called Haemodialysis,blood from an artery in your arm flows through a thin plastic tube to a machine filters the blood working like an artificial kidney, to remove the extra fluids and waste from the blood. The cleaned blood then flows out of the machine through another tube placed into a nearby vein in the same arm. Most people have 3 dialysis sessions every week. Each session lasts about 3 or 4 hours.

Dialysis Access Site?

Before you can begin hemodialysis there need to be a way to remove the blood from the body (a few ounces at a time) and then return it. You arteries and venis are usually too small, so you will need surgery to create a vascular access site.

AV fistula Specialist doctor in Delhi, India

There are 3 kinds of vascular access site:- A. V. Flstula, A. V. Graft & Catheter - Permacath

  • A. V. fistula (also called an arteriovenous fistula or A-V fistula), which is made by joining an artery and a vein under the skin in your arm. When the artery and vein are joinded, the pressure inside the vein increases, making the walls of the vein thicker & stronger. The stronger vein can then receive the needles used for hemodialysis. An A-V fistula usually takes 4 weeks to mature before it can be used for hemodialysis. The fistula can be used for many years.
  • A.V graft (also called an arteriovenous graft or A-V graft), which is made by joining an artery and vein in your arm with a plastic tube. The plastic tube is placed under your skin, joining the artery to a vein. The graft is usually ready to use about 3 weeks after the surgery. A-V grafts are usually not as long lasting as A-V fistulas, but a well-cared-for graft can last several years.
  • A Hemodialysis Catheter, which is inserted into a vein in the neck or below the collarbone for short-term use until your A-V fistula or A-V graft is healed and ready to use. A catheter is not used for permanent access


av fistula treatment doctor


You will most likely need some special tests to help the doctors decide the best type is vascular access and the best place to secure he access. The most common test is Doppler ultrasound.

Before surgery, you may have an elclectrocardiogram (ECG Or EXG), blood tests urine tests, and a chest x-ray to give your surgeon the latest information about your health. You may be given something to help you realx (a.mild tranquillizer) before you are taken into the operating room.

The surgeon will then create the A-V fistula or the A-V graf in one of your arms.


Post Operative Care

  • You may use your arm as you normally do the same day as the producer, but avoid heavy lifting.
  • You should always be able to feel blood rushing through your A-V Fistula/graft. This feeling us called a thrill.
  • Making sure the access is checked before each treatment.
  • Not allowing blood pressure to be taken on the access arm
  • Checking the pulse in the access everyday.
  • Keeping the access clean all times
  • Using the access site only for dialysis
  • Being careful not to bump or cut the access.
  • Not wearing tight jewelry or clothing near or over the access site.
  • Not lifiting heavy objects or putting pressure on the access arm.
  • Sleeping with the access arm free, not under the head or body.


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